Sunday, July 20, 2014

Meeting Brian Molko (Placebo) at the Rock Werchter Festival 2014 – Interview with soulmate Ellen VG from Belgium

LLL Placebo European Tour Special 2014 Interview with soulmate Ellen VG from Belgium in collaboration with Placebo Anyway.

Interview by SusanneCk & Diana E.T.Foghin. Organization Mary Scott.

It was an amazing show in Belgium at the Rock Werchter Festival 2014.
And we also enjoyed the nice interview with Brian Molko you can watch here again:

Congrats to the band and Brian for their great job as always. Well done boys!!!
So let us start the interview. Our special guest today is Placebo soulmate Ellen VG from Belgium.

Placebo Anyway: Nice to have you here for this interview!! Before we start with the concert details, we would like to know a little bit more about you... When did you discover the band and why did you become a fan?
Ellen VG: I found out about them in 1997, I used to watch Top of the Pops on BBC1 every Friday back then, but I was a teenager, so I listened to songs from S Club 7, A1 etc. back in those days. I wasn’t impressed with Placebo and up till now I must admit the early songs are still not really my cup of tea. I started liking Placebo when I heard the song “The Bitter End” back in 2003 but it takes more to become like a REAL fan than just one song. So last year I decided I wanted to go to another rock concert and I looked through the list of artists performing in Belgium and I stumbled on Placebo, I called a friend and she came with me. After the concert in Antwerp I was so impressed with the guitars and the drumming. This was amazing! I looked more stuff up on YouTube afterwards and then I slowly became a fan.

Placebo Anyway: What about your cd and merchandising collection? Do you have everything from the official collection and also a special treasure like a limited edition box etc.?
Ellen VG: I’m not into band merch at all, so no t-shirts or anything else. I do own all their cd’s. As I was a teenager in the 90ties, I still want the real cd in my hands. I love it!

Placebo Anyway: Speaking about the gig some of us watch the live stream while dome watched it live. How was it for you?
Ellen VG: Well, I was really excited about it, we left really early and arrived at 10am. I was determined to get front row. When the door opened my friend and I ran like freaks to the main stage, but when we got there we were a little confused. There was this HUUUGE bridge standing in front of the stage. I asked security and they said it was for Metallica. We stayed at the front row for a while, but as soon as other bands started performing we realized we didn’t see anything. I complained to security again and they told me we’re not gonna see anything on the first row so we moved like 10m backwards. I was really gutted. As soon as Placebo started I almost couldn’t see anything either cos it was really crowded and people were constantly pushing. So I must say I didn’t really enjoy it this time but that’s not really the bands fault. I was actually really pissed with Metallica about this “bridge”. My highlight was definitely when Brian got down on his knees in front of Fiona and he played guitar towards her and Fiona played her violin leaning over him. Amazing! Stefan stood jamming on the Metallica bridge for a while, so thank god for that. Also Brian saying “Dankuwel” a couple of times was super cute. At least he knew in which part of Belgium he was! ;-)
Placebo Anyway: How was the crowd at the Rock Werchter Festival? We know Placebo got some bad critics from the press. What do you think about this?
Ellen VG: Haven’t they always got bad critics from the press? Well, the crowd at Rock Werchter seemed to know all the lyrics from the songs! I was pretty impressed about that! But it was so crowded, people were confused about the bridge and all, so I think nobody could like give it ALL and go completely nuts. Too bad.

Placebo Anyway: What about on stage? Some of the critics and even fans say that he is distant from the audience and complain that he doesn't even change the speeches before the songs. For instance the one before One Of Kind was the same he used in 2006 and Moscow. What are your thoughts about it?
Ellen VG: Yeah, I must agree on this one. I miss active Brian. It feels like he doesn’t enjoy the gigs anymore, like he’s just trying to get it over with. And yes, he says the same things before songs, but that doesn’t really bother me. Or maybe he’s just getting old?? :-p I’m really happy about Steve’s energy on stage, though!

Placebo Anyway:  What about the set list/ lighting what is the difference between a festival and a small venue?
Ellen VG: Haha, the lighting? Well, I remember last year in Antwerp it was darker on stage, difficult to take a pic, cos of the lightings they used. Also I’m glad they got rid of this curtain/window, whatever it was. They didn’t change the setlist much, just a couple of songs. But I’m happy to see they put “Begin the End” on the setlist now. I’m gonna see them again in August, so I’m looking forward to enjoy this song live!
Placebo Anyway:  Do you think they could change the songs more often?
Ellen VG: No not at all. Most bands play the same setlists for a while, right? Until they make a new album.

Placebo Anyway:  Do you consider that using the same set list in every show is a good thing or a bad thing?  I'll elaborate a bit on this some people complained that they never change the setlist however, when they included One Of A Kind and specially Begin The End some complained because these songs weren't played in their country. So what do you think is the best option?  Unified every concert to avoid complains or change the songs even though people will always complain?
Ellen VG: I think Placebo should do whatever makes them feel more comfortable on stage and with themselves. And I haven’t heard/seen “Begin the End” played live in front of me either. So I guess I’m just lucky that I get to see them again but I do understand why some people feel gutted.
Placebo Anyway: About the crowd. What's your opinion on flash mobs, banners etc do you think the band won't pay attention to them, don't care or actually appreciate them?
What about more extreme "displays of affection" like throwing bras on stage or ask for autographs in parts of the body?
Ellen VG: I love it! And I saw some videos with the flash mobs and they do pay attention to them. Don’t know if they appreciate it, I think we’ll never know what really goes on in Brian’s head at the moment. The more extreme stuff we can do, the better. It makes it interesting for them but also for us, right?
Placebo Anyway: And about the cameras we all know Brian hates them. But people want their memory last forever in a jpg format or in you tube and claim they can multi task just fine.  Do you think they will ever be an agreement on this matter? or a reconciliation between Molko and his fans?
Ellen VG: I also think it’s a weird sight from a stage when you see all those people holding up a phone. It makes you think you’re playing for smartphones instead of people. But of course people want to take pics. I also heard about a band who asks the crowd to put away their phones during the concert and then they play one song over again so everyone can take pics. Can’t remember which band that was, but maybe that’s a good idea? I would be fine with it!

Placebo Anyway: We know this is not your first Placebo gig. Comparing old gigs with this tour regarding the energy of the show ( since is one of the things that has been critized about the band) do you see any difference?
Ellen VG: Well, I saw them for the 1st time last year. So I don’t notice any difference between this year and last year. I do notice it when I watch gigs on YouTube from before. And it makes me really sad! Wish they’d perform like before, with so much energy and they were really interacting with the crowd!

Placebo Anyway: Do you go the other gig in Belgium or maybe France or Germany?
Ellen VG: No, I didn’t go to Les Ardentes in Belgium cos I had to work. But I bought tickets for Rock’n Heim and Mönchengladbach.

Placebo Anyway: Did you meet someone of Placebo?
Ellen VG: Yes, I met them at the airport!

Placebo Anyway: Wow! You met Placebo, amazing!  This is an honor and you are a really lucky person  Could you tell us a bit about it? How was the experience for you?
Ellen VG: Hahaha, long story, which you can find on my Twitter. To make a long story short. I was really nervous about it and I couldn’t stop shaking when I met Nick. He was the first one I met. I was still very nervous when I noticed Steve but he walked over to me with a HUGE smile, shook my hand and said “Hi, how are you”. He made me feel so comfortable, I talked to him for a couple of minutes. Amazing to have a small talk with one of your idols! And he’s SOOOO sweet! But after meeting him I felt more relaxed, although I knew the bigger problem was approaching…Brian! Hahaha! 

Unfortunately Brian and Stefan arrived together and they had a bodyguard with them. I asked my friend to take sneaky pics but their bodyguard noticed it and told her off! Brian was really annoyed, but I still wanted to ask him for an autograph on a photo I printed out. He said to me: “ok, very quickly then, cos I have a plane to catch!”and he signed his face! Erm, yeah, why would you even put your signature on your face???? He was also very arrogant towards my colleague at check-in. Afterwards I also ran over to Stefan for an autograph, he smiled at me and said “of course”. He was actually really friendly and relaxed!
Placebo Anyway: Meeting Brian. There has been a lot of talking among "Placeboers" regarding Brian's behavior towards fans. What can you tell us about it from your experience?
Ellen VG: Apparently not only towards fans. My colleague at check-in felt shocked the entire day about how he treated her! She also told me she can’t understand why I’m a fan of such an arrogant idiot. I guess love is blind, right? I also noticed him arguing with my colleague so that made me even more anxious about going over to him to say hi and ask for an autograph but I did it and yeah, it felt like he didn’t show respect whatsoever and he’s the most important guy at the airport.  
Placebo Anyway: People dream about meeting their idol, Brian Molko in this case, but at the same time they are often afraid of not being interesting enough or good enough.  What would you advice someone who would meet any of the members of Placebo.
And after this meeting has something changed inside of you regarding the music, your perception of the band or Brian?
Ellen VG: Yes, and that’s probably what Brian thinks cos he’s more important, right? ;-) Haha. I’d say go for it and talk to him, but keep in mind Brian can be very arrogant and might even break your heart with his behavior. It took me a couple of days to get over it. I couldn’t even watch the livestreams afterwards cos I felt hurt. But lots of celebrities are like this. After all I’m just here for the music and I was totally enchanted by Steve!!!! Regarding Steve, Stefan and Nick, there’s no warning advice, just go for it! Steve’s a GREAT hugger! ;-) The only thing that changed is my opinion about Brian, I will try and annoy him even more now and I can’t take him seriously anymore, after all he didn’t show respect towards me or my colleagues either!
Placebo Anyway: Let us speak about Placebo fans. What do you think about “Soulmates Never Die”. Does it really exist for Placebo fans?
Ellen VG: I don’t know, I think they lost some fans because of Brian’s behavior.

Placebo Anyway: Do you think Placebo fans are criticize the band too much? After all some people have even complained about Molko's clothes on stage.
Ellen VG: Criticism is good, everyone is allowed to speak their mind and we didn’t hand in our ears, eyes and brains when we became a fan, right?

Placebo Anyway: What do the band and their music personally mean to you?
Ellen VG: A way to escape daily stress for a while + their music also inspired me to pick up a guitar. But I don’t play any of their songs, I’m trying to create my own style, which leans more towards Flamenco. ;-)

Placebo Anyway : Which is your favorite? Album and why?
Ellen VG: Battle for the Sun, because it’s like a heavy rock record. ;-)

Placebo Anyway: Do you have a favorite song of the last album and also from the other ones?
Ellen VG: Yes, Begin the End is my favorite. I absolutely adore those guitar riffs! Amazing!
My other favorite songs are Kings of Medicine and Blind.

Placebo Anyway: Define Placebo to someone who never heard about the band.
Ellen VG: Hahaha, people at work actually asked me cos they never heard about them and I said: a rock band with a weird lead singer but with amazing songs.

Placebo Anyway: Define now  Brian, Stefan and Steve in three words dedicated to your Placebo soulmates.
Ellen VG: Inconceivable, quiet & crazy :-D

Placebo Anyway: 20 years to go, 20 years to know. The band's 20th anniversary. What do you expect. For the band for the next 20 years?
Ellen VG: Hopefully they’ll continue and will still be playing at age 70, like the Rolling Stones, cos they are this epic! But I do hope Brian will become more relaxed and less arrogant.

Placebo Anyway: Thank you for the interview. It was a great pleasure doing this interview with you!
Ellen VG: The pleasure is all mine! ;-)

LLL Placebo European Tour Special 2014 Interview with soulmate Ellen VG  from Belgium in collaboration with Placebo Anyway.

Interview by SusanneCk & Diana E.T.Foghin. Organization Mary Scott.